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faq:display_monitor_weirdness [07/03/2019 12:24]
Pro-Player Plus created
faq:display_monitor_weirdness [07/03/2019 14:13] (current)
Pro-Player Plus
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-===== Why am I seeing weird colors and red speckles on the monitor? ===== +===== Display: ​Why am I seeing weird colors and red speckles on the monitor? ===== 
-Coming soon...+If you're seeing weird colors or red speckles in the monitor, it is often due to a bad HDMI cable, or possibly to long of a cable (over 25 feet)Try replacing the HDMI cable with a shorter or new cable and try a different input on the monitor as well.
faq/display_monitor_weirdness.1562174696.txt.gz · Last modified: 07/03/2019 12:24 by Pro-Player Plus